Just Love Jesus

Most Christians are familiar with the passage in Matthew chapter 22 and Jesus’ response to the question, Which is the great commandment in the law?  His response was that we are to love God with all our heart, with all our soul and with all our mind. The gospel writer Mark adds to that list, all our strength. That is, we are to love God supremely. With everything that we are. We are to love Him completely.

But how do we know if we love God like that? I’m sure most Christians would say, Of course I love God supremely. But do they?

Can we define what it means to Love God supremely?

I don’t have all of the answers, but there is one part of the answer that I’m sure of and that is this: To Love God Supremely is To Love God the way Jesus Loves the Father.

We can widen that picture by saying it is the way each member of the Trinity loves all of the other members of the trinity. The way the Father loves the Son and the Spirit. The way the Son loves the Father and the Spirit. The way the Spirit loves the Father and the Son.

In other words, the way a perfect God loves Himself perfectly.

That kind of love does not exist outside of the Trinity. Nevertheless it is our calling.

To love God the way that God loves Himself. That is a perfect love.

The fact that we will never be able to love God with a perfect love in this life is not a reason to ignore the command or to give up. We are still under an obligation to try. Our effort is as important as our progress. Without effort nothing will be accomplished. Some progress is better than no progress.

So we are to love. Certainly we are to love others, as the second part of Jesus’ answer makes clear. But most of all we are to love God.

When we love God supremely – when that is our desire and goal, when that is our effort, the other areas of the Christian life will fall into place.

Just Love Jesus.

Love Him with everything you have. Love Him with everything you are. Love Him most of all. Love Him above all.

Make loving Jesus your purpose. Your life’s ambition.

Make loving Jesus what your life is all about.

Stay in the Word

Pastor Steve

In Love With Jesus

What does it mean to “fall in love”? Wikipedia (now there’s an authority!) says Falling in love is the development of strong feelings of attachment and love, usually towards another person. The term is metaphorical, emphasizing that the process, like the physical act of falling, is sudden, uncontrollable and leaves the lover in a vulnerable state, similar to “fall ill” or “fall into a trap”.



That just took all of the romance out of it! Similar to “fall ill” or “fall into a trap.” Really?! Imagine saying to your spouse, The first time I saw you I felt just like I did when I ate that bad fish.

You often hear Christians talk about “falling in love with Jesus”. Is that the same as falling in love with your spouse (or eating bad fish)?

What does it mean to fall in love with Jesus?

I don’t have all of the answer to that question, but I know it has to be more than strong feelings of attachment. Feelings change; they go up and down. Sometimes feelings disappear altogether.

There’s another issue in this discussion that we need to address, and that is whether Christians are in love with Jesus or in love with the idea of Jesus. It’s possible to love the idea without really loving the person.

Think about it.

You might be in love with the idea of Jesus if the Word of God isn’t important enough for you to read.

You might be in love with the idea of Jesus if the Word of God never changes your life.

You might be in love with the idea of Jesus if church (which is where He wants you to be) is optional for you.

You might be in love with the idea of Jesus if the only time you spend with Him is one hour on Sunday morning.

You might be in love with the idea of Jesus if you rarely find yourself talking to Him.

You might be in love with the idea of Jesus if when you do talk to Him, it’s all about you.

You might be in love with the idea of Jesus if the baby in the manger is more thrilling to you than the man on the cross.

You might be in love with the idea of Jesus if your faith is separate from your life.

There are many indicators that a person is in love with the idea but not with Jesus Himself. Unfortunately that is where many Christians find themselves. And they may not even know it.

Ask yourself the question, Do I really love Jesus?

Don’t settle for loving the idea. Love the person.

Stay in the Word

Pastor Steve